
Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Welcome Back!

Hello Families,

I hope everyone had a nice, long weekend! I spent it enjoying the final days of summer at the pool with my family. However I spent a lot of time worrying about my family and friends in Florida. My parents have been evacuated which is great, but I am hoping their home will remain safe. Some of your children shared that they have family in Florida too so I just wanted you all to know that I am thinking of them and hoping everyone stays safe!

Dates to Note (all added to our class Google Calendar):

  • Tuesday, September 10th--First DARE lesson
  • Wednesday, September 11th--Patriot's Day Ceremony. Send your child to school wearing red, white, and blue
  • Friday, September 13th--Math and Scientific Investigations Test (my apologies...I usually try to avoid two tests in one day but it just happened out that way)--Students should be studying their notes OR may head to our Google Classrooms to find resources to study with.
  • Tuesday, September 17th--DARE Posters due!
  • Friday, September 20th--Camp Highroads Permission Slips due
Room Parent:
Unfortunately we have not had anyone volunteer to be our room parent. This person's role would be to help plan and organize class parties throughout the year. I would be available to assist in planning, but I am not able to take it all on. I have notified the PTA to see if they could help find volunteers, but if we don't get anyone to take on this role, then I am not sure if the experience would be the same as other classes. I understand that everyone is busy and doesn't want to commit to something this involved, but please let me know if there is anything that you can do to help. That could be, planning one activity, organizing a snack sign-up genius, etc. Just taking on one role for the party would be a tremendous help. Thanks for any help you can provide. 

If you have an extra set of (cheap) headphones that your child could keep at school, that would be helpful. During math centers, students will be doing some activities on the computers that may require sound. If students don't have headphones, then they have to mute the sound. I have a few headphones to share, but not enough for everyone. Five Below and Target Dollar Spot always have some if you are able to buy a set. Headphones will be sent home with students at the end of the school year. 

As always, let me know if you have any questions or concerns. I hope you all have a great week! 

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